Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I have contemplated writing a blog for a while now.  Those people who know me, understand as an activist, I engage in anti-racism and anti-oppression work both personally and professionally.  It runs so deep, to me, it feels cellular.  As a result, I can get stuck in emotional and intellectual turmoil while finding my path in a world rich with privilege. 
 My biggest reservation in starting this blog is whether I will create the time to write, when I already struggle to create simplicity in my life.  I am hopeful I can share my experiences and thoughts to inspire conversations that will lead to personal growth. I invite those of you who value social justice to join me on this journey.
I selected a quote from a poem written by Alix Olson to use as the title of my blog. The full line states: 
“ i believe people are see through 
  if you hold em up to the light
  i believe people are enlightening 
  if you plug em in right.”
This line resonates with me; It perfectly captures my overall philosophy and my vision for the world.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to following your blog... curious to learn more about your views and experiences through your writing! Wonderful idea. -Trin
